Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What the heck is Finance Vernacular Anyway?

Vernacular is the set of words or slang which you may say is specific to certain thing or this case area of study. That being said, finance vernacular is basically all those words 98% of the world's population try to decode and understand, such as CDO's, derivatives, and convertible bonds. The thing is, it is not embarrassing not to know or understand most of these terms; there is a reason why these people get paid so much to know this stuff. It's just like any other highly challenging field, such as aerospace, the problem with finance though is that every day thousands of people and institutions are funnelling their money, your money, and your parent's retirement fund into these various terms. Our economy is not fueled directly by aerospace, it is however fueled by finance.

We feel that a huge part of the economic problems we face now is that generally the average person is uninformed or unaware of what actually is going on or what the problems stem from. This is not hard to believe, considering the ever more complex financial innovations that are constantly being invented. Worse, this also can lead the average person to depending on warped media streams for their financial advice.

So, our mission and purpose of this blog is to REALLY break down these mind-boggling financial terms and events into the simplest ways we possibly can, in hopes that the ordinary citizen can read our blog and at least get a general understanding of what the heck is going on.

Each post will concentrate on distinct topic or area of finance, but please feel free to e-mail us with any requests and we will try and get an explanation on here for you as soon as possible!

1 comment:

  1. I like it. I like it a lot. Good Stuff. Keep it coming. I need to keep learning now that I'm out of school. I know that you guys are always involved. I need the academinc analysis on these things.
